One of the greatest advertising dilemmas is discovering how to increasingly impact your audience, who has learned how to divert from more traditional media for ads (e.g. television, billboards and even online collateral, such as banners and the like). If they are no longer looking at these channels, where is their gaze turning to nowadays? To mobiles!
According to a study conducted by Criteo analyzing e-commerce worldwide, mobile devices were used in 48% of online shopping. Amongst purchases made through the desktop, 22% of them were performed after users consulted the prices on – guess what – their phones.
Considering the specificities of mobile marketing, you should know how to use it correctly so as not to scare away any potential clients. The first step is understanding their liking and preferences in this environment – the same research shows that, when users need to acquire services or purchase something through the smartphone, their level of motivation, engagement, and comfort is higher when interacting with brands via an app than via a responsive website.
From there, you just need to be objective and impactful at the same time: appealing pictures, less text, and a call to action inviting users to a greater and more complete experience. Follow these simple rules upon using the features offered by your company’s app, and you will attract clients faster than any other medium.
VirtualNet masters the best technologies for building applications and can create an app that meets your needs with a cost-benefit much lower than you might think. Don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a meeting so that together we can design the most effective tool for building and managing your brand’s digital presence.